

Selective availability anti-spoofing module

A Selective Availability Anti-spoofing Module (SAASM) is used by military Global Positioning System receivers to allow decryption of precision GPS observations.

NaviGuard: GPS Anomaly Detection & Anti

NaviGuard is an aviation industry first, GPS/GNSS reported anomaly detection and verification program designed to combat threats of spoofing and jamming.


A GPS spoofing attack attempts to “deceive” a GPS receiver by broadcasting counterfeit GPS signals, structured to resemble a set of normal GPS signals, ...

Understanding the difference between anti-spoof and anti

The best way to protect against spoofing is to directly track the encrypted Y-code. Of course, this is only possible by using a GPS receiver that has a ...

GPS Anti Spoof

評分 3.0 (38) · 免費 · Android · 此應用程式計算出應該用六分儀假定GPS位置是正確的可以觀察到確切的高度。沒有文書工作需要,沒教養的表。所有的改正自動包括:索引錯誤,系統時間錯誤,在 ...

What is GPS Spoofing?

The encrypted P(Y)-code GPS signals are resistant to spoofing attacks because they can't be recreated. The decryption key to these signals can ...

SemperFi: Anti-spoofing GPS Receiver for UAVs

We present SemperFi, a single antenna GPS receiver capable of tracking legitimate GPS satellite signals and estimating the true location even against strong ...

AIM+ Anti-Spoofing Protection

To avoid the trap of spoofing Septentrio receivers are equipped with AIM+ Anti-Spoofing technology on both software and hardware levels. Protection from ...

What is spoofing and how to ensure GPS security?

In order to combat spoofing, GNSS receivers need to detect spoofed signals out of a mix of authentic and spoofed signals. Once a satellite signal is flagged as ...


反電子欺騙(Anti-Spoofing,簡稱AS)是 美國國防部為防止敵方對GPS信號進行電子欺騙和電子干擾而應用於全球定位系統上的一種技術手段 。 具體措施是在P碼上加載一種嚴格保密的W碼,使其模二相加產生一種更加保密的Y碼。